The enormous energy and enthusiasm of local volunteers have always been among this community’s greatest assets. The Community, Recreation, Culture and Tourism Service has opportunities for you to get involved, whatever your interests.

Our volunteers are active

  • on our Board of Directors
  • helping supervise our preteen dances
  • on a range of user committees (Lions’ Park, the Centre Lac-Brome, Walking Paths, Douglass Beach)
  • in our daycamp and children’s programs
  • as Lifetrail peer trainers
  • in planning and developing new projects in response to local needs

Please get in touch, we’d love to have you join the team!


Preuves de lien parental ou de tutelle légale admissibles

  • Certificat de naissance;
  • Lettre gouvernementale d’allocation ou de prestations familiales;
  • Document légal attestant de la tutelle;
  • Carte d’hôpital;
  • Bulletin scolaire;
  • Tout autre document attestant du lien de parenté.

Reimbursement policy

Family income - Reimbursed %
Less than 45 000 $
45 001 $ to 55 000 $
55 001 $ to 65 000 $
More than 65 001 $

Accepted proofs of residency

  • Driver’s license;
    Municipal tax bill;
    Current insurance policy;
    Utility bill dated no more than three months ago (e.g., electricity, gas, cable, etc…)

Accepted proofs of parental relationship or legal guardianship

Birth certificate;
Government letter of family allowance or benefits;
Legal document attesting to guardianship;
Hospital card;
School report card;
Any other document attesting to the parental relationship