What is a participatory budget?The stepsElligibility of a projectProjects analysisSubmit your project!

A participatory budget is a democratic process that allows the public to decide how a portion of the municipal budget is used. It provides an opportunity for citizens in the concerned sectors to propose ideas for projects that improve the quality of life in a community.

The Town of Brome Lake wishes to stimulate community life in various sectors on its territory.
To carry out projects proposed by the population, the municipal elected officials are granting $5,000 to each of the following three sectors:

  • Fulford/Bondville
  • Iron Hill/West Brome
  • Foster

Submitted ideas will be reviewed and evaluated by a committee of Town staff and elected officials from each sector. This committee will be responsible for developing the ideas received into concrete, implementable Town projects.

Important dates

  • Submitting ideas: April 15 to June 30, 2024
  • Analysis of ideas by a committee: May to July
  • Implementation of projects: starting in the summer of 2024

The ideas must respect the following criteria:

  • Be in the public interest (serving the common good, not private interests);
  • Be feasible for the Town to implement on public property or on Town property in one of the identified areas (Bondville, Foster, Fulford, Iron Hill or West Brome);
  • Be able to result in a realistic project (maximum project value of $5,000 per area);
  • Meet the needs of the community;
  • If it is an infrastructure or equipment expenditure, have a useful life of at least five years;
  • Be transferred to the Town without fee or compensation.

The project will be considered ineligible if it:

  • Involves recurring operating or human resource costs in excess of 5% of the investment;
  • Requires the acquisition of land, premises or buildings;
  • Exceeds the maximum budget allocated by sector;
  • Exceeds the Town’s laws, regulations, values and policies.

Projects will be reviewed by the Committee.
If the Town receives several different project applications per sector, the following criteria will be used to determine the selected project.

Analysis Criteria

  • Adds value to the quality of life of the community;
  • Demonstrates that the project is supported by the residents of its area (print and fill out this form);
  • Promotes sustainable development;
  • Project outreach;
  • Innovative character.

Is the form not showing up? Click here to open it!

How to submit an idea? Fill out the form below 👇

You don’t have a computer or an Internet connection? No problem, contact the Centre Lac-Brome reception desk at 450 242-2020, we will be happy to help you.



Preuves de lien parental ou de tutelle légale admissibles

  • Certificat de naissance;
  • Lettre gouvernementale d’allocation ou de prestations familiales;
  • Document légal attestant de la tutelle;
  • Carte d’hôpital;
  • Bulletin scolaire;
  • Tout autre document attestant du lien de parenté.

Reimbursement policy

Family income - Reimbursed %
Less than 45 000 $
45 001 $ to 55 000 $
55 001 $ to 65 000 $
More than 65 001 $

Accepted proofs of residency

  • Driver’s license;
    Municipal tax bill;
    Current insurance policy;
    Utility bill dated no more than three months ago (e.g., electricity, gas, cable, etc…)

Accepted proofs of parental relationship or legal guardianship

Birth certificate;
Government letter of family allowance or benefits;
Legal document attesting to guardianship;
Hospital card;
School report card;
Any other document attesting to the parental relationship