The Town of Brome Lake is proud to present its new housing policy.
The initiative aims to respond to the ever-changing housing needs of the population. The Town of Brome Lake worked with Jean-François Vachon, urban planning consultant, to bring this new policy to fruition.
The policy aims to diversify the housing offer on the territory, identify priority areas for densification and the creation of new housing, and regulate the quality of new residential projects while encouraging affordability. Two groups identified as priorities are targeted: seniors and young households.
Enjoy your reading!
At the November 6 municipal council meeting, the Town of Brome Lake adopted two data management policies: the Privacy Policy and the Governance Policy for the Protection of Personal Information.
In accordance with Bill 25, Town of Brome Lake is committed to protecting the confidentiality and security of the personal information it holds.
This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use and disclose your personal information. It also explains how you can request access to this information or have it corrected when necessary.
The Governance Policy for the Protection of Personal Information sets forth the guiding principles applicable to the protection of personal information held by the Town throughout its lifecycle, as well as the rights of the individuals concerned.
The Procédure portant sur la réception et l’examen des plaintes formulées dans le cadre de l’adjudication ou de l’attribution d’un contrat is intended to ensure the fair treatment of complaints made to the Town in the context of contract awarding or attribution process.
On October 7, 2024, the Town of Brome Lake’s Council adopted its Integrated Document Management (IDM) Policy to fulfill its document management obligations, which establishes the guiding principles for an integrated approach to document management, and thus effectively implement its retention schedule.
As a public organization, Town of Brome Lake must comply with section 6 of the Archives Act, which requires public organizations to adopt a management policy for their active and semi-active documents.
In October 2021, the Town of Brome Lake adopted its 2021-2025 cultural policy.
This policy was developed following a public consultation process to ensure that the Town’s policy for the next five years reflects the interests of the population and visitors and is consistent with their consumption habits.
In addition to stimulating the cultural vitality of the town, the policy will provide a framework for:
The cultural policy review is made possible thanks to the financial support of the Government of Quebec and the Town of Brome Lake under the cultural development agreement.
On November 4, 2024, City Council adopted its Guidelines for the Use of a Languages Other than the Official Language.
This follows on from the reform of the Charter of the French Language in 2022, which requires ministries, government agencies and municipalities to adopt and transmit to the Ministère de la Langue Française a specific directive intended in particular for its staff. This directive sets out the rules of conduct applicable to linguistic matters within the organization, as well as the exceptions they may use in the course of their duties.
Town of Brome Lake's recognized bilingual status allows it to use a language other than French in its signage, documents, service delivery and use of technology, its name, internal communications and communications with other recognized organizations, as well as in its notices of meetings, agendas and minutes of deliberative assemblies.
On March 3, 2025, during the Council meeting, the elected officials and the finance director presented a preview of the future policy on the management of debt and accumulated surpluses. This policy will be adopted at a future meeting.
In the meantime, you are invited to consult the presentation document here and to send your comments to this address: