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/ Municipal life / Administration and finance / Calls for Tender and Municipal Contracts

Calls for Tender and Municipal Contracts

Town of Brome Lake has to publish on its web site, at the latest on January 31st of every year, the list of all the contracts containing a spending of more than $2,000 crossed during the previous exercise with the same co-contracting party when the set of these contracts contains a total spending which exceeds $25,000. 

You will find here, for the last years, the list of these contracts:

Contrats de plus de 2 000 $ et totalisant plus de 25 000 $ - 2024

Contrats de plus de 2 000 $ et totalisant plus de 25 000 $ - 2023

Contrats de plus de 2 000 $ et totalisant plus de 25 000 $ 2022

Contrats de plus de 2 000 $ et totalisant plus de 25 000 $ 2021

Town of Brome Lake’s Policy for Contract Management is part of Bylaw #1 (Town Administration). Pursuant to the requirements of Article 573.3.1.2 of the Cities and Towns Act, the Policy sets out measures to ensure fair competition between persons wishing to do business with the Town.

Download the  Policy for Contract Management

Procédure portant sur la réception et l’examen des plaintes formulées dans le cadre de l’adjudication ou de l’attribution d’un contrat (in French only).

You will find on the “Système électronique d’appel d’offres (SÉAO)” all of the information concerning contracts granted by Town of Brome Lake.

For a list of contracts over $25,000 awarded by the Town of Brome Lake, click here.

For more information:

Direction of Finances and Treasury
