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/ Municipal life / Democratic life / Municipal Council

Municipal Council

The Town of Brome Lake Council is composed of a mayor and six councillors. The members of the municipal council are elected for a term of four years and each councillor represents a district and its citizens.

For more information on the operation of a municipal council, visit the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy website.

Interactive map of the electoral districts of the Town of Brome Lake

Role of councillors

The municipal councillors represent the citizens. They are speaking on behalf of the population Council meetings and their mandate is to administer municipal affairs in the best interest of the population. To avoid favoritism and respect best practices in the municipal field, they are governed by a code of ethics. Click here to read it.

If you have any questions, comments or requests, make sure to ask your local councillor who will make sure your voice is heard.

Mayor of the Town of Brome Lake

Richard Burcombe


Files: Administration, Finances, Economic Development, Human Resources, Demolition Committee (Chair)


How long have you lived in Brome Lake?

I have lived in Brome Lake since 1965 and have known the area all my life. I have lived in many places in the Eastern Townships such as Sherbrooke, Magog and Mansonville.

Why did you decide to enter municipal politics?

At the time, I did not agree with the decisions and direction the administration was taking. I decided to run for mayor in 2013 with the ambition of bringing peace to the Town of Brome Lake.

What are the portfolios for which you are responsible?

As mayor, it is my duty to be familiar with all of the Town’s issues. I review the various files on a regular basis with the Town’s director general, Mr. Gilbert Arel. If the councillors are the musicians, I am the conductor of the Council!

What experience do you bring to the Town?

I worked for 32 years as a municipal police officer for the Town of Brome Lake, and then for the Sûreté du Québec. I have patrolled our territory for years, so I never need to open a map, I know every corner of Brome Lake! I have also acquired great experience as a manager and leader in the police department. I was the sergeant in charge of the Brome-Missisquoi investigation office. Personnel management and teamwork are two of my great strengths. I am also very aware of the history of the Town: I know who lived where, when their house was sold, which building was removed, etc. I think it is very important to know your citizens and their history.

What do you think defines Brome Lake?

For me, Brome Lake is one of the best towns to live in Quebec. There is a nice balance between country and city life. Each sector also has its own history, which is quite unique. Furthermore, Brome Lake is a perfect example of the cohabitation between English and French speakers. Brome Lake is also defined by the beauty of its landscapes and its jewel, the lake.

What are your favourite activities to do in Brome Lake?

I used to downhill ski, cross-country ski and play tennis. Nowadays, I prefer hiking and walking in the forest. I like the quietness of the forest and the countryside. I can recharge my batteries in these places before coming back to the urban area! I also often walk or bike on our beautiful trails!

This Council member has participated in the mandatory ethics training.

District 1: Fulford – Bondville

Lucy Gagnon

See on map

Councillor, Fulford / Bondville

Files: Tourism, Culture and Human Resources


How long have you lived in Brome Lake?

I’ve been a part of the Brome Lake weekenders for 22 years and have been living here full-time since 2016.

Why did you decide to enter municipal politics?

When I retired, I chose to do volunteer work. I became a member of the Board of Directors of Renaissance lac Brome and I also participated in the Brome Lake Trails Committee. Afterwards, an acquaintance in the Bondville sector approached me to run for council in that district. I then met with the mayor and ran an election campaign based on listening to citizens and helping each other. I loved the experience of meeting citizens in their own neighbourhoods. It was vibrant and rewarding, and I have no regrets! I firmly believe that you should listen and want to help people as much as you can.

What are the portfolios for which you are responsible?

I presided over the Environmental Advisory Committee for four years, and I created and organized the Spring Sweep across the territory of Brome Lake. Recently, I have also been given the responsibility of the Tourism and Culture portfolios. I am also involved in the Human Resources Committee.

What experience do you bring to the Town?

I have extensive experience in sales and marketing in various business sectors. Since 2000, I have been a member of the Quebec Businesswomen’s Network. I have organized major business lunches for several years. It is important to support women entrepreneurs. I have also acquired expertise in organizing events. I am a team player and I advocate for mutual aid.

What do you think defines Brome Lake?

Brome Lake is a welcoming and open town. A town that attracts people for its better living, its well-being, its nature, its lake, and for the good management of the Town.

What are your favourite activities to do in Brome Lake?

My favourite activities are walking around the lake on our beautiful trails, swimming in the lake, visiting the Pettes Library, and going to see shows at the Theatre Lac Brome. I love walking around downtown to support the merchants because it’s important to encourage local businesses! I enjoy playing golf and pickleball, and always look forward to Festive Fridays in the summer and Midnight Madness in the winter!

*This Council member has participated in the mandatory ethics training.

District 2 : West-Brome – Iron Hill

Shelley Judge

See on map

Councillor, Fulford / Bondville

Files: Public Works (Roads, Sewers and Waterworks)


How long have you lived in Brome Lake?

I have lived in Brome Lake for over 30 years. I started my home daycare in 1994.

Why did you decide to enter municipal politics?

I decided to get into politics to better understand the way decisions are made and to represent the citizens of Iron Hill and West Brome.

What are the portfolios for which you are responsible?

The portfolio that I am responsible for is Public Works, which includes water, sewage and roads.

What experience do you bring to the Town?

The assets that I bring to the town are my many years of volunteering. Always being involved in town activities and festivals has allowed me to meet many people. My caring and family values help me make the best decisions for the citizens of the Town of Brome Lake.

What do you think defines Brome Lake?

Brome Lake is a unique little town known for its community volunteers and family life. The lake and walking/biking trails welcome families and friends.

What are your favourite activities to do in Brome Lake?

I guess you can say my favourite activities are the ones that include children. I have loved organizing the summer soccer league for over 20 years and can be found around town helping where I can.

This Council member has participated in the mandatory ethics training.
District 3: East Hill

Pierre Laplante

See on map

Councillor, East-Hill

Files: Recreation and Community Services


How long have you lived in Brome Lake?

We built our house in 1987 and have been living happily in Brome Lake ever since!

Why did you decide to enter municipal politics?

It is primarily to be the voice of my citizens and to contribute with them to the development of our neighbourhood.

What are the portfolios for which you are responsible?

I am responsible for Recreation and Leisure. We seek to optimize the living environment of citizens by offering them the possibility to experience the recreational opportunities they aspire to, guaranteeing them the widest possible access to the collective services in place for them, all this within the financial means of the community.

What experience do you bring to the Town?

I have 42 years of experience at the Town of Brome Lake, where I have worked as a police officer, fire prevention technician and fire department director, first responder, recreation officer, dam manager, water patrol officer and civil security officer. This is my second term as a councillor.

What do you think defines Brome Lake?

Brome Lake is a great place to live in 2022, a town that wants to keep its roots and its identity while keeping an open mind.

What are your favourite activities to do in Brome Lake?

There are, of course, the beach, the parks, the trails, the restaurants, the stores and the theatre.

*This Council member has participated in the mandatory ethics training.

District 4: Knowlton – Victoria

Lee Patterson

See on map

Councillor, Knowlton / Victoria 

Files: Land Management (Urban Planning), Communications and Human Resources.


How long have you lived in Brome Lake?

I am a native of Brome Lake and have lived here for 47 years.

Why did you decide to enter municipal politics?

I have been following municipal politics for many years. My initial desire, during my first mandate, was to be part of those who could make progress on various issues. The water quality of Brome Lake, the monitoring of sewer overflows and the adoption of a strategic plan are the issues that have drawn my attention the most, following my election. I am in my third four-year mandate, and I believe that there is still work to be done for the citizens of the Knowlton-Victoria district.

What are the portfolios for which you are responsible?

Currently, I am head of the Urban Planning Advisory Committee and the Communications portfolio.

What experience do you bring to the Town?

My work experience is diverse. I am currently a manager for a non-profit organization and a part-time firefighter for the Town. I have also worked in the media industry for about 10 years.

What do you think defines Brome Lake?

For me, the beauty of Brome Lake is the beautiful collaboration of its citizens. We can benefit from many activities that a town of our size would not normally be able to afford, if not for the volunteers or the support of the community. In my opinion, the bilingualism of our town is also an asset, as well as the beautiful landscapes and trails for the population.

What are your favourite activities to do in Brome Lake?

I enjoy boating on Brome Lake as well as walking on our many trails. Although I have lived here for a long time, I often meet new people or business owners who are very passionate about community involvement. The residents involved in recreation, the Wellness group, and all the other volunteers are great assets to the town.

*This Council member has participated in the mandatory ethics training.

District 5: Knowlton – Lakeside

Louise Morin

See on map

Councillor, Knowlton / Lakeside 

Files: Environment and Human Resources.


How long have you lived in Brome Lake?

I bought my current home 15 years ago and have lived permanently in our beautiful town or 10 years!

Why did you decide to enter municipal politics?

I ran for my first term as a councillor in 2013. I had just retired as a senior vice-president at Investissement Québec and I had energy to spare. I believed that my professional experience, especially as a manager, could be useful to my community, and several neighbours and friends encouraged me to run.

What are the portfolios for which you are responsible?

Over the past nine years, I have had several mandates: strategic planning, urban planning, tourism, economic development, the Cœur villageois file, culture, and human resources. Currently, I am leading the Environmental Advisory Committee.

What experience do you bring to the Town?

I have many years of experience managing communications, government relations and economic development teams. I have also volunteered for over 20 years with various human rights organizations. Always an idealist, I believe that personal involvement can make a positive difference in the life of our community.

What do you think defines Brome Lake?

I believe that the slogan beauty is in our nature reflects the DNA of Brome Lake. This town is beautiful because of its nature, its lake, its history, its communities, and its culture. It’s a town where we want to live!

What are your favourite activities to do in Brome Lake?

You can do pretty much anything in Brome Lake! I enjoy a variety of outdoor activities—hiking, kayaking, skiing—as well as cultural activities—book club, movies and theatre. It’s easy to make connections with people who share the same interests as you.

*This Council member has participated in the mandatory ethics training.
District 6: Foster

Patrick Ouvrard

See on map

Councillor, Foster

Files: Fire and Public Security, Water Safety and the Office municipal d'habitation


How long have you lived in Brome Lake?

My wife grew up on the shores of Brome Lake (since 1966). Together, we decided to move here full time in 1996, allowing our son to grow up in the country, in a bilingual village. Since then, we have been working from home and telecommuting.

Why did you decide to enter municipal politics?

For eight years I served on the Urban Planning Committee under Stanley Neil and then Richard Wisdom. In 2009, I ran for Foster’s council. My goal was to participate and get involved in a major overhaul of the planning bylaws in order to preserve the rural and village character of the Town of Brome Lake. As a Councillor, I chaired the Urban Planning Advisory Committee and the Environmental Advisory Committee, and I led the revision of the urban plan, which was adopted in 2013. It focused on improving environmental regulations to ensure the quality of our lake: better runoff management, better control of new construction, and better practices at the municipal road system are essential to keeping the lake healthy and reducing cyanobacteria outbreaks. The lake is doing better, but it is still too fragile and global warming will jeopardize the gains we have made since the review of the last urban planning scheme. That’s why I ran again for Foster.

What are the portfolios for which you are responsible?

For the moment, I am leading the Public Safety portfolio, but I feel challenged by all of them. It is not just one councillor who runs a city, but the whole council, and I want to make a positive contribution on all issues.

As the person responsible for Public Safety, I have reactivated the Boating Safety and Active Corridor Committee. A new boater’s guide has been prepared by the committee and is in production. In the fall, the Committee will be addressing the issue of active corridors and traffic and safety issues on the roads. Throughout our territory, we lack adequate urban planning to ensure the safety of our citizens. We know all too well that occasional surveillance by the Sûreté du Québec is not enough to solve speeding problems on our roads. In the coming years, we will have to revise our urban plan and ensure its implementation. If you take the time to read the current plan, you will see that many actions are still unfinished. A better control of developments will only be beneficial to maintain the quality of our living environment by protecting the rural character of our landscapes, the quality of our lake, and by ensuring better connectivity to safe trails.

What experience do you bring to the Town?

A good knowledge of environmental issues, a thorough knowledge of urban planning, the ability to be well informed, creativity, and management, marketing and communication skills. With 1,000 new doors being planned, we will have to be vigilant to ensure that this does not deteriorate our quality of life. We need more access to the lake, especially in Foster, and safe trails, both on the west side and east side of the lake. We need a renewed dialogue with the RCM and the Ministry of Transportation to ensure that our roads and trails are safe for everyone to drive, bike and walk. We need better bypasses for heavy traffic.

What do you think defines Brome Lake?

The lake, the mountainous and rural landscapes, and the countryside are ideal for outdoor activities.

What are your favourite activities to do in Brome Lake?

Mainly outdoor activities. Over the years, I have jogged, swum, sailed, downhill skied and now cross-country skied in Fisher Woods, hiked in the mountains at Mount Echo, and biked.

*This Council member has participated in the mandatory ethics training.

In accordance with article 11 of the Loi sur le traitement des élus municipaux (LTEM), the Treasurer must disclose the remuneration and expense allowances paid to elected officials for all their duties performed on the municipal council, within a body mandated by the council or a supramunicipal body.

Compensation of the council 2023
FunctionElected officialsRemunerationAllocations
MaireRichard Burcombe
Ville de Lac-Brome
32 472 $
16 236 $
MRC Brome-Missisquoi
14 447 $
1 971 $

46 919 $
18 207 $

District #1 Fulford/BondvilleLucy Gagnon
12 124 $
5 412 $
District #2 West-Brome/Iron HillShelley Judge10 824 $
5 412 $
District #3 East-HillPierre Laplante11 224 $
5 412 $
District #4 Knowlton/VictoriaLee Patterson12 224 $
5 412 $
District #5 Knowlton/LakesideLouise Morin12 424 $
5 412 $
District #6 FosterPatrick Ouvard12 924 $
5 412 $

Total remuneration of elected officials
118 663 $
50 679 $

Compensation of the council 2022

Compensation of the Council for 2021