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/ Municipal life / Administration and finance / Access to Information and Documents

Access to Information and Documents

The demand for access to information, a right of every citizen.

Every person has, except as provided for by law, a right of access, on request, to the documents held by the Town. The right does not extend to personal notes written on a document or to sketches, outlines, drafts, preliminary notes or other documents of the same nature.

The right of access to a document may be exercised by examining it on the premises during regular working hours or by remote access. The applicant may also obtain a copy of the document, unless reproducing it would endanger its preservation or raise serious practical difficulties owing to its form.

Access to a document is free of charge. However, a fee not greater than the cost of transcription, reproduction or transmission of the document may be charged to the applicant.

Application may be oral but, as provided for by law, only a decision on a written request may be reviewed.

If you request documents that may contain personal information about another person, a written consent duly signed by that person must be forwarded to the Town Registry and Legal Affairs either as an attachment to this application or by e-mail. Such consent must be sufficiently detailed as to the documents referred to, the identity of the person or body that may consult the documents and must be dated.

Application form for documents held by Town of Brome Lake

Owen Falquero

Registry and Legal affairs
Person responsible for access to documents

Town of Brome Lake

122, Lakeside Road
Brome Lake (Quebec)  J0E 1V0

Telephone : 450 243-6111, ext. 236
Email : owen.falquero@lacbrome.ca

For more information

Visit the Legis Québec site.