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Advisory Committees: A Great Way to Get Involved in Your Community

Advisory committees are tasked with thoroughly studying specific issues of importance to the community. They are created by the Town and offer a concrete way for citizens to make a difference in their living environment.

During committee meetings, members—which may include citizens, partners, elected officials and Town employees—exchange ideas, discuss issues and draw up recommendations for submission to the Municipal Council. Meeting dates vary from month to month and according to demand.

If you are interested in serving on one of the committees (with the exception of the Demolition Committee), please contact us

Urban Planning Advisory Committee (UAC)

The Urban Planning Advisory Committee (UAC) plays a crucial role in the planning and management of the municipal territory, even though it has no decision-making power. The Municipal Council consults the committee for advice and recommendations on best practices in urban planning, zoning, subdivision and construction. It also plays an educational role by helping bridge the gap between citizens and the issues and challenges associated with these activities.

List of members

  • Lee Patterson, municipal councillor
  • Vacant position
  •  Lyla Wilson, citizen of the West-Brome – Iron-Hill area
  • Karine Try, East-Hill citizen
  • Jan Franssen, citizen of the Knowlton – Victoria area
  • Daniel Aucoin, Knowlton – Lakeside resident
  •  Matthew Greer, Foster resident
  • Steven Beerwort, citizen from the agricultural sector
  • Kevin Barnes, citizen from the business sector
  •  Justin Sultana, municipal inspector

Consult By-law 612 on the Planning Advisory Committee. 

Urban Planning Advisory Committee meeting minutes


Environmental Advisory Committee

The Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) has a crucial role to play in protecting the environment in Brome Lake.

In its 2024-2028 Strategic Plan, the Town identified the environmental protection and the preservation of Brome Lake as one of its five major land-use issues. With this in mind, the EAC has been mandated by the Town to review environmental requests and issues related to the protection and quality of the environment. The committee then provides its opinion and submits its recommendations to ensure that the lake and nature are preserved for future generations.

List of members

  • Louise Morin, municipal councillor
  • Tiphaine Bridoux, citizen
  • Pierre Morin, citizen
  • Léa-Sam Potvin-Cormier, citizen
  • Lou-Anne Daoust-Filiatrault, citizen
  • Donald O'Hara, citizen
  • Xavier Trosse, citizen
  • Christian Roy, observer
  • Adèle Hébert, observer
  • Jimmy Gaulin, inspector

Environmental Advisory Committee meeting minutes


Demolition Committee

To demolish a building on your property, you must first obtain authorization from the Town. The Town then forwards the request to the Demolition Committee, which will review the request in accordance with the Act Respecting Land Use Planning and Development. This committee, composed of three members of the municipal council, will decide the fate of the building and either approve or deny the request for a demolition permit.

See by-law 462 on the building demolition committee or by-law 2019-04 on building demolition.  

List of members

  • Richard Burcombe, Mayor
  • Shelley Judge, Councillor
  • Lucy Gagnon, Councillor
  • Owen Falquero, Town Clerk

Demolition Committee meeting minutes


Traffic Committee

The Traffic Committee's mandate is to provide Council with advice and recommendations on road safety and traffic in the Town of Brome Lake. To this end, it receives and reviews all requests in an objective manner and refers, as needed, to Quebec road signage standards and relevant regulations.

The committee's main objectives are to reduce the number of accidents and increase safety on the territory of the municipality, while taking into account the needs of various stakeholders, such as pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, emergency vehicles, and maintenance vehicles.

List of members

  • Patrick Ouvrard, Councillor
  • Robert Daniel, Assistant Director and Director, Public Works Department
  • A representative of the Sûreté du Québec
  • Didier Bourrelis, citizen 
  • Birgit Bélanger, citizen 
  • Christian Morin, citizen 
  • John Collins, citizen

Tourism Advisory Committee

Committed to stimulating the cultural vitality of Brome Lake, the Town follows a cultural policy launched in 2021, led by a Cultural Advisory Committee made up of eight representatives from the community, including the Théâtre de Lac-Brome, the Musée Lac-Brome and the Pettes Library, and chaired by a municipal councillor. The committee's role is to guide the Town in accordance with the main principes of the policy.


Cultural Advisory Committee

Committed to stimulating the cultural vitality of Brome Lake, the Town follows a cultural policy launched in 2021, led by a Cultural Advisory Committee made up of eight representatives from the community, including the Théâtre de Lac-Brome, the Musée Lac-Brome and the Pettes Library, and chaired by a municipal councillor. The committee's role is to guide the Town in accordance with the main principes of the policy.


Recreation Committee

The role of the Recreation Committee is primarily advisory, guiding the actions of the Recreation, Tourism, Culture and Community Life Department in terms of services and facilities. It contributes to a healthy quality of life for all residents of Lac-Brome.

Write to us for more information. 
