...Municipal Council adopted By-law 2024- 06 (Bylaw decreeing an expense of $1,300,000, the appropriation of $100,000 to the park and playground fund and a loan of $1,200,000 to finance the construction of a sanitary block and parking lot at the T...
...ce vote ADOPTED CCU-24-115 7.3. 2-16, rue des Bouleaux, lot #6 422 150, zone UC-4-L13 Nature of request: Front yard parking area WHEREAS a request to authorize a front yard parking lot representing 49% of the front yard; WHEREAS Sec...
...year and this year, I have written, I have left messages and I never hear from anyone. It's concerning essentially the dog park. Who are responsible for the dog park? RÉPONSE (du maire Burcombe): The Loisirs and community services are respons...
...ement - Terrasse Carke (Parc Bondville) – Adoption Bylaw 2024- 06 - Borrowing for the construction of a sanitary block and parking lot - Carke Terrace (Bondville Park) - Adoption Règlement 596- 18 modifiant le règlement de zonage 596 co...
...ressources et de compensation pour payer ces ressources. RON MYLES 9) What is happening with the West Brome trailer park? 10) What is happening with the dredging of the dam? 11) How much money has the Town spent protecting the environm...
...hat d'assurances - Parcs de rouli-roulant et aménagements semblables 2024- 2029 Signing authority - Insurance pool - Skate parks and similar facilities 2024- 2029 Mandat de signature - ministère des Transports - Convention d'aide fina...
...6-25 - Parc de maisons mobiles de West-Brome - Services professionnels de surveillance AO 2016-25 – West Brome Mobile Home Park – Surveillance Professional Services AO 2020-02 - Rapiéçage mécanisé manuel AO 2020-02 – Manual Road Patch...
...essive invoices AO 2021-09 - Parc de maisons mobiles de West-Brome AO 2021-09 – West Brome Mobile Home Park SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL REGULAR SITTING OF COUNCIL LUNDI, 3 avril 2023 Monday, April 3, 2023 19h00 Heures /...
...vices professionnels - Parc des maisons mobiles à West-Brome AO 2016-25 - Professional Services - West Brome Mobile Home Park AO VLB2020-19 - Services professionnels - Réfection du secteur de la rue Montagne AO VLB2020-19 - Profes...
...pérateur de voirie Hiring – Road Operator Embauche - Journalier - Parcs et infrastructures Hiring - Labourer - Parks and Infrastructures Permanence - Alexandra Barré Permanence - Benoit Blais 3.1.5. Divers Mi...
....3.1. Octroi de contrat - VLB2024-05 - Stationnement - Parc Bondville (Terrasse Carke) Awarding of contract - VLB2024-05 - Parking - Parc Bondville (Terrasse Carke) Octroi de contrat - VLB2024-09 - Déneigement - Secteur Iron Hill - 2...