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/ News / Citizen information / Electrical Infrastructure Modernization: An Update From the Town of Brome Lake

Electrical Infrastructure Modernization: An Update From the Town of Brome Lake

Brome Lake, February 7, 2025 – The Town of Brome Lake would like to provide an update on Hydro-Québec's electrical infrastructure modernization project planned for part of its territory, referred to as Brome substation and its new feeder line.

The site targeted by Hydro-Québec for the construction of its substation borders the towns of Brome Lake and Sutton, in the Sutton Junction sector. Under this scenario, feeder lines supported by towers up to 45 meters high would cross part of the West Brome area to the new substation.

Although no decision has yet been made as to the location of this equipment, elected officials remain very sensitive to the visual and environmental impact of these installations in a recognized touristic area.

"I’m opposed to the choice of location as presented by Hydro-Québec and ask them to propose a more appropriate alternative,” says Brome Lake Mayor Richard Burcombe. "Nevertheless, we recognize the need to modernize the current electrical infrastructure, which has reached its full capacity. Also, the relocation and consolidation of the Knowlton and Sutton downtown stations into a single, larger station is good news in itself, but it must not be at the expense of the environment and the rural, bucolic character of our territory.”

The Council is committed to continuing to work with Hydro-Québec, the Brome-Missisquoi MRC and all the municipalities involved to ensure that these concerns are considered and that optimal solutions, such as mitigation measures, are put in place.

A webinar on the agenda

The Town of Brome Lake would also like to remind its citizens of a webinar organized by Hydro-Québec on the progress of the project, scheduled for February 26 from 7 to 9 p.m. To register, visit hydroquebec.com/projects/brome. It is also through this page that citizens can express their comments and ask questions directly to Hydro-Québec.

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Source and information:
Ghyslain Forcier
Director of Communications
And Citizens Relations
Town of Brome Lake
450-243-6111, ext. 228