Brome Lake, February 12, 2025 - For the first time, the Town of Brome Lake welcomed 12 young people for a day of ice fishing initiation as part of the Pêche en herbe program. Organized in collaboration with Canadian Tire, its main partner, and the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, and Parks and Wildlife (MELCCFP), this program encourages the next generation of winter sport fishing enthusiasts.
On a magnificent winter's day, the young people and their parents received almost an hour of theoretical training on fishing regulations and safety instructions to follow on the ice. An ecology technician from the Applied Ecology Office had been commissioned by the Town to train the young people. Brome Lake Conservation was also present to talk about the conservation of Brome Lake's habitats and wildlife. Afterwards, the participants were able to go to Brome Lake for over an hour to try out different winter fishing techniques.
It should be emphasized that the activity offered by the Town of Brome Lake was selected from among the projects offering the best supervision and the best training activities for young fishing enthusiasts. Each young person aged 6 to 17 received a Pêche en herbe certificate, which will serve as a fishing license until they reach the age of 18.
During the winter of 2025, the Foundation intends to help introduce more than 4,900 new enthusiasts to sport fishing, particularly through local organizations that are responsible for Pêche en herbe. These activities include high-quality training on fishing, safety, regulations, fish habitats and biology, all followed by a period of fishing supervised by competent resources. Since its creation in 1997, the Pêche en herbe program has introduced more than 370,000 young people to fishing.
“It's inspiring to see the enthusiasm for the winter component of Pêche en herbe! We would like to thank the Town of Lac-Brome for introducing the next generation to fishing through its activities and training for young people and their families who want to discover a new activity to enjoy in winter,” said Jean-Claude D'Amours, President and CEO of the Fondation de la faune du Québec.
Pêche en herbe, a presentation by the Fondation de la faune du Québec, with the support of its main partner, Canadian Tire.
The activity, which was well appreciated by the participants, will probably be organized again in the coming years.
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The mission of the Fondation de la faune du Québec is to promote the conservation and enhancement of wildlife and its habitats. Thanks to the contribution of more than a million hunters, fishermen and trappers in Quebec, thousands of donors and numerous private companies, the Foundation has supported more than 2,000 organizations throughout Quebec since 1987, creating a real wildlife movement.
Source :
Anaïs Renaud
Conseillère en environnement
Ville de Lac-Brome
450-243-6111, poste 333
Renseignements :
Aimie Baribeau
Gestionnaire de programmes
Fondation de la faune du Québec
418 644-7926, poste 163