Since mid-December, you may have noticed that the lake level is lower than during the summer. This is due to the annual operation of Foster Dam, which lowers the lake level by around 70 cm in late autumn. This process, known as “winter drawdown”, is part of the operating protocol for the cold season. The main purpose of this level reduction is to protect the banks from ice damage and to create a buffer space to absorb spring floods. These floods could indeed lead to flooding if the lake's summer level were maintained throughout the year.
Management of this tidal range is ensured by regular monitoring by the municipal team, who see to it that water levels comply with the standards set out in the protocol.
The graph below shows the following data (In French Only):
• In red: the lake level for the current year
• In green: average lake level over the last 18 years
Finally, it's important to dispel a myth: contrary to what some rumours suggest, the Foster Dam operating protocol has no relationship with the water used for snowmaking by Bromont, montagne d'expériences draws its water directly from Lake Sheffington, a reservoir more than sufficient for its needs.