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/ Events / Cultural Activities and Shows / Conférence | STANLEY PÉAN Le saxophone dans l'histoire du jazz

Conférence | STANLEY PÉAN Le saxophone dans l'histoire du jazz

The saxophone in jazz history Invented by Adolphe Sax and patented in Paris in March 1846, the saxophone is as much appreciated by jazz musicians as by their colleagues in the world of so-called classical music, even if the qualities required of the instrument are different for each of these styles. In jazz, the saxophone has enabled musicians to express their individuality, which is why the instrument's husky, buzzing tones contribute to the texture of the music. In classical music, the musician usually prefers an instrument with a clear, finely controlled sound, whose precision is akin to that of the clarinet.

450 242-2270 /  info@tlbrome.com / theatrelacbrome.ca