Preuves de lien parental ou de tutelle légale admissibles
Certificat de naissance;
Lettre gouvernementale d’allocation ou de prestations familiales;
Document légal attestant de la tutelle;
Carte d’hôpital;
Bulletin scolaire;
Tout autre document attestant du lien de parenté.
Reimbursement policy
Family income - Reimbursed %
Less than 45 000 $
45 001 $ to 55 000 $
55 001 $ to 65 000 $
More than 65 001 $
Accepted proofs of residency
Driver’s license; Municipal tax bill; Current insurance policy; Utility bill dated no more than three months ago (e.g., electricity, gas, cable, etc…)
Accepted proofs of parental relationship or legal guardianship
Birth certificate; Government letter of family allowance or benefits; Legal document attesting to guardianship; Hospital card; School report card; Any other document attesting to the parental relationship